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We are so back.

Part-Time "Wrestlers"[edit | edit source]

  1. Refxtra
  2. Gold
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Gold Winner

Offseason-core[edit | edit source]

  1. Kaidou Shun
  2. Hisoka
  3. Cow Tools
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Triple-Threat

Elimination By
Kaidou Shun Cow Tools
Cow Tools Winner

The Man who GAAAAAYed the World[edit | edit source]

  1. Ushiromiya Battler
  2. BIG Boss
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

BIG Boss Winner

Big Boy Ladder Match[edit | edit source]

  1. Andrew Dobson
  2. Potemkin
  3. Regigigas
  4. Bolo Reynolds
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Regigigas? Winner

The Dead Media[edit | edit source]

  1. Gregson
  2. Chai
  3. Tim
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Hell in a Cell

Elimination By
Tim Gregson
Gregson Winner

Fraying inside

Escape the Jobfraying[edit | edit source]

  1. Ryuki Kuruto
  2. John Witcher
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Steel Cage Escape

Ryuki Kuruto Winner

I Believe In...[edit | edit source]

  1. George Jackman
  2. Joe Hendry
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

George Jackman Winner

Jesters of Uncanon Championship: Reactivation of the Jesters (Random)[edit | edit source]

  1. Travis Fuckhead & Suou Tatsuya ― HENSHIN Bros
  2. Aniki & Ryan Rave ― Rave Scars
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Championship: Jesters of Uncanon
  • Tornado-Tag
  • Eliminations
  • Tables

Elimination By
Travis Touchdown Ryan Rave
Suou Tatsuya
TEAM Ryan Rave Winner

*Snap*[edit | edit source]

  1. Professor Oak
  2. Todd Snap
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Professor Oak Winner

ROYAL RUMBLE[edit | edit source]

  1. Boogie Woogie Wu
  2. HUNK
  3. Rando
  4. Red
  5. Date Kaname
  6. Gene
  7. White Glint
  8. Narushima Koga
  9. Rean Schwarzer
  10. Arisato Minato
  11. Sinbad
  12. Mechazawa Shinichi
  13. Kyle Hyde
  15. Chris Redfield
  16. Ooishi Kuraudo
  17. Vergil
  18. Kaidou Shun
  19. Suou Tatsuya
  20. Apollo Justice
  21. Perc Jones
  22. Ushiromiya Battler
  23. Adol Christin
  24. Todoroki Shoto
  25. Francis Zach Morgan
  26. Colombo Spice
  27. Nero
  28. Kasuga Ichiban
  29. Gregson?
  30. BIG Boss
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Championship: King of Uncanon

Elimination By @ Details
Rando Red 04
HUNK Boogie Woogie Wu 05
Gene Rean Schwarzer 10
Narushima Koga Red
Boogie Woogie Wu White Glint 11
Rean Schwarzer 13
Date Kaname Sinbad
Arisato Minato Kyle Hyde
Sinbad Chris Redfield 16
Mechazawa Shinichi
Suou Tatsuya Vergil 19
Kyle Hyde 20
Kaidou Shun BELTWAY
Ooishi Kuraudo Vergil 21
White Glint 23
Vergil Chris Redfield
Apollo Justice
Todoroki Shoto Adol Christin 24 (LOL)
Ushiromiya Battler Francis Zach Morgan 27
Nero 28
Francis Zach Morgan Chris Redfield
Adol Christin Gregson? 29
Perc Jones Chris Redfield 30
Kasuga Ichiban Colombo Spice
Colombo Spice Chris Redfield
Chris Redfield BIG Boss
BIG Boss Gregson?
Gregson? Winner

Someone came in place of Gregson, so it wasn't fair for BIBo.

The Caged Snake[edit | edit source]

  1. Gregson
  2. BIG Boss
Iconic Match
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Hell in a Cell


Snage......... (gigadimes crashed)

  1. BIG Boss
  2. Gregson
Iconic Match
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Hell in a Cell


SNAGEEEEEEEEEEE... (gigadimes crashed)

(waiting for 1 week trick in progress)

Rando's Most Massive Opponent...![edit | edit source]

  1. Rando
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Rando Winner

※HUNK invaded to do a Neckbreaker on Rando.

Happy and Celebratory End-of-Manga (re)Match[edit | edit source]

  1. Todoroki Shoto
  2. Maximillion Pegasus
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Maximillion Pegasus Winner

The Main Event: Revival Edition[edit | edit source]

  1. Sinbad
  2. Masked Saihara
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Singles

Sinbad Winner

Awakening - Part 2[edit | edit source]

(a fallen prophet looks down ominously)

(a nondescript man moves around)

(an audience vanishes, evaporates, leaves)

(five men gather; a prophet, an idealist, a violence saint, a hero of our time, and a soldier)

(a sign of promise is made)

(time passes, and the hero of our time falls, a shadowed man standing behind with gun in hand)

(a certain place, time passes again)

(remembrance of a time when three men, servants of the prophet, shared hope and camaraderie)

(Survive Bar)


Kyle Hyde
Uh... Uhh?
The Bartender
Taking another nap, huh?
Is my counter that comfortable?
Kyle Hyde
...Everyone needs some rest once in a while.
The Bartender
Looks to me like you've had plenty.
Aren't you gonna pick it up?
Kyle Hyde
Must be another one of those spam calls... That's all I've been getting nowadays. Pour me another round.
The Bartender
I got you.
You know, you might've had more booze than water these past 3 months.
Kyle Hyde
Well, ain't that wonderful?
The Bartender
...I'm not complaining.
I'd pick that up if I were you. It might be important.
Kyle Hyde
Really? Last time around they were trying to sell me some shady stuff.
Alright. Guess I'll reward this one for his insistence.
It's... From Phi?
Kyle? What took you so long?
I was almost getting worried.
Kyle Hyde
You know you don't need to worry about me.
So, what's up?
...You've been drinking again, haven't you?
Kyle Hyde
Always have been.
But why do you ask? Wanna join me? We've got plenty of time in our hands after all.
Maybe next time. Because if you think we're out on vacation, you'd be mistaken.
In fact, you're late to work again!
That's exactly why I'm calling.
Kyle Hyde
...Late? You can't expect me to drive all those Yeagerists away all by myself.
There's a reason we haven't had an episode in three months. The arena is flooded with them!
I don't really know the specifics, but... I'm here right now. The coast is clear, we can finally broadcast an episode.
Apparently, the number of active protesters has been dwindling ever since Ingerland lost at football or something.
Then again, they could just be regrouping and planning their next move.
Whatever the reason, we must make good use of this opportunity.
Kyle Hyde
Really... So you're telling me we're gonna be back tonight... And then as soon as next week we could be forced to stop again?
That's a load of bullshit.
What's the point in coming back, then?!
What motivation do we even have to put on a good show?
Whatever. I might stop by after a nap.
A nap?
...I think Jingu wants a word with you.
Jingu Yugo
Long time no see, Mr. Hyde.
Kyle Hyde
Jingu Yugo
Must I remind you of our purpose in this world?
We all have things to fight for. I'm sure you do, too.
When it comes to that, even the smallest steps in the right direction matter.
You're never gonna accomplish anything if you don't move forward.
I'm sure you can grasp that much. Or would you like to be reminded of your duty some other way?
Kyle Hyde
Alright, alright... Geez, I get it...
I'll be there in a bit.
By the way, Kyle.
Kyle Hyde
Get me a list of the drinks sold at that favorite spot of yours.
I wanna see if there's anything that suits my tastes.
Kyle Hyde
I'll check on that. See you soon.
See ya.
The Bartender
...Might be wiser to take a lady like her to a luxurious restaurant instead.
Kyle Hyde
Can't believe I've gotta get back to work.
All of a sudden, too. Couldn't even prepare myself. Just thrown straight back into the grind.
The Bartender
Aren't you glad?
Kyle Hyde
...Glad? Tch...
The Bartender
You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger.
Kyle Hyde
Come on now. Our ages can't be that far apart.
The Bartender
Sure. But as far as experience goes, I can tell we're on different leagues. Different worlds, even.
And it's not like I think of you as small fry.
I've just... Been through a lot.
Kyle Hyde
I can only imagine what's on your past.
I'd like to hear your stories some other time.
The Bartender
That'll have to wait. You've got plenty of work to catch up on.
Kyle Hyde
Yeah... Plenty.

Season 8 ― Part 2